Resultate der Doktorarbeit

Dissertation in Wirtschaftsinformatik

mit dem Schwerpunkt „Web-basierte Informationsautauschplattform für humanitäre Projekte“
Abschluss Herbst 2002 als „Dr. rer. pol.“

Informationssysteme für humanitäre Organisationen [ Zusammenfassung der Doktorarbeit ] (Deutsch) / [Abstract of PhD Thesis (Englisch)]



Last Update

Information Sharing across Multiple Humanitarian Organizations – a Web-based Information Exchange Platform for Project Reporting. Article PDF – 360kb Article summarizing doctoral thesis.Huesemann, S. (2006): Information Sharing across Multiple Humanitarian Organizations – a Web-based Information Exchange Platform for Project Reporting. In: International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM) – Special Issue on Information Sharing across Multiple Organizations (November 2006) Nov 2006
Web-basierte Informationsaustauschplattform für humanitäre Projekte. Book with the results of the doctoral thesis.Huesemann, S. (2003): Web-basierte Informationsaustauschplattform für humanitäre Projekte. Dissertation, Deutscher Universitäts Verlag (DUV), Wiesbaden. ISBN 3-8244-2164-X Online-Bestellung bei Gabler (früher DUV): Online-Bestellung bei Amazon: Jan 27 2003
Web-basierte Informationsaustauschplattform im Bereich humanitärer Projekte: Probleme und Lösungsvorschläge Online-Präsentation der DissertationDies ist der Vortrag, der zur Verteidigung der Dissertation gehalten wurde. Oct 24 2002
Development Information Exchange System (DIES) This is the prototype of the Development Information Exchange platform (DIES). The DIES is a web-based exchange system that allows to access autonomous information system and link distributes systems. The information exchange is based on XML documents.The prototype was programmed by Stefan Huesemann as part of his PhD. Oct 20 2002
Extended abstract of doctoral thesis Web-based Information Exchange Platform in the Field of Humanitarian Projects: Problems and Proposed SolutionsThe Development Information Exchange System (DIES) Oct 10 2002
Kurzfassung der Doktorarbeit Web-basierte Informationsaustauschplattform im Bereich humanitärer Projekte: Probleme und LösungsvorschlägeDas Development Information Exchange System (DIES) Oct 10 2002
Computergestützter Informationsaustausch zwischen Stakeholdern humanitärer Projekte – das Development Information Exchange System. In Nonprofit-Organisationen und gesellschftliche Entwicklung: Spannungsfeld zwischen Mission und Ökonomie (Hrsg. Schauer, R., Purtschert, R. und Witt, D.), Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, S. 273-286. Der Artikel beschreibt einen web-basierte Lösungsansatz zur Verbesserung des Informationsaustauschs zwischen Stakeholdern humanitärer Projekte. Zuerst werden Probleme bezüglich des Informationsaustauschs dargelegt. Danach werden bestehende web-basierte Informationssysteme analysiert und deren Stärken und Schwächen beschrieben. Auf einer konzeptionellen Ebene wird dann gezeigt, welche Möglichkeiten mit moderner Technologie bestehen, Informationen aus Systemen verschiedener Organisationen zu vereinen und zum Vorteil aller Beteiligten zu nutzen (Knowledge Sharing). Ein konkreter Vorschlag für eine web-basierte Austauschplattform, die auf der Extensible Markup Language (XML) basiert, soll zur Illustration vorgestellt werden. Sept 24 2002
Bibliography of my dissertationLiteraturverzeichnis meiner Dissertation (HTML) This is the database with all the sources reviewed for my doctoral thesis. It is available as HTML page or as EndNote Database. The EndNote Database contains supplementary information like summaries, links etc. Sept. 24 2002
International Development Markup Language (IDML 0.91)(also called AIDA IDML) Documentation for IDML 0.91IDML_091.xsd (XML Schema) The International Development Markup Language (IDML) is an emerging exchange standard for the humanitarian development sector (IDML Initiative). It proposes elements to describe development activities like humaitarian projects, programmes, events etc.The version 0.9 was proposed by Mark Waser und improved by Stefan Hüsemann (IDML 0.91). It is the version currently used by the AIDA Database of the Development Gateway . Newest Version of IDML -> AIDA XML 2.2 (Documentation and XML Schema) May 27 2002update June 20 2007
Reporting Schema for humanitarian ProjectsDocumentation for IDML and idmlReporting)XML Schema idmlReporting.xsd This is an XML Schema that can be used to save project reports, evaluations, financial information and other detailed information about humanitarian projects.The idmlReporting schema builds on the International Development Markup Language (IDML) and extends it to fit the information needs for reporting in the humanitarian context. The Reporting Schema was designed by Stefan Huesemann as part of the Development Information Exchange System. June 20 2002
Information Exchange Between Humanitarian Organizations: Using the XML Schema IDML (published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, JAIS, Volume 3, 2002, 1-26) [ Article PDF ] (2.7 MB) This journal article explains challenges that arise when humanitarian organizations want to coordinate their development activities by means of distributed information systems. It focuses on information exchange based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and relational databases.The piece of writing discusses how to save hierarchical XML documents in relational databases. It introduces conversion rules to derive a relational database model from XML Schemas. The rules are applied for the design of a database for the management of humanitarian development projects (AIDA PC). The underlying schema for the database is the International Development Markup Language (IDML). This exchange standard for development-related activities is described. The article gives details on how a traditional relational database can import or export XML documents, i.e. how it can be XML-enabled. June 9 2002
DELTA Platform DELTA Platform is DELTA Networks‘ web-based information exchange system on sustainable development and eco-management. It is open to the public and enables the information sharing beween the network members. The focus of the platform is on experts, funding sources and projects in the field of sustainable development and eco-management. The geographical focus is on the Middle East / North Africa region.This knowledge sharing tool was designed and implemented by Stefan Huesemann in cooperation with Sustainable Business Associates (SBA) May 1 2002
Documentation and downloads for AIDA PC Database On this page you will find information about the AIDA PC Database, including a downloadable version. AIDA PC is an MS Access 2000 application for the management of simple information on humanitarian development project.The AIDA PC Database can export data to XML files that are compliant with the International Development Markup Language (IDML). IDML is an XML Schema for the exchange of development related information. Jan 27 2003
Web-basierte, öffentliche Informationssysteme für humanitäre Projekte (html) Untersuchung verschiedener Websites auf dem Gebiet humanitärer Projekte.Name, Webadresse, Träger, Mission und Hauptziele des Systems, sowie Zielpublikum und enthaltene Informationen werden aufgelistet. (Market analysis of web-based information systems in the field of humanitarian projects; in german) March 1 2002
Information Exchange Platform for Humanitarian Development Projects (PDF 150 kb) This paper describes the context in which humanitarian organizations manage their projects. Problems are analyzed and a solution is proposed to the problem of information exchange between multiple project stakeholders.The proposed Development Information Exchange System (DIES) is inteded to make project reports easier to exchange between humanitarian organizations and funding agencies. The system is based on XML technologies and uses the International Development Markup Language (IDML) as schema. Paper accepted for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2001) doctoral consortium in Slovenia. June 1 2001
Plate-forme d’échange d’informations dans le domaine de projets humanitaires. Cet article décrit de manière sommaire le fonctionnement du „Development Information Exchange System“. Flash Informatique, no 9/02, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne. Nov 15 2002